
Media Technology

I consider myself very lucky to be doing something I enjoy. Having studied Web Design I couldn’t find a job in that industry when I graduated but instead got a call from an interactive TV company startup in London. The learning curve was massive and some of the technologies I implemented there were still considered […]

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Digital design

I actually studied Web Design in the UK but thanks to the DotCom Crash in 2002 I ended up getting a job in Television rather than Web Design. So it’s always been something I’ve done on the side, for friends, for projects, bands or charity organisations. I currently manage the following sites: I will

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Wood art

Since we moved to the country me and the kids picked up all sorts of lovely things along our walks. Stones, leaves, cones and bits of wood, perfect for seasonal decorations. Living next to an oven maker I admired the neatly stored tree trunks  and one day I asked if he could cut me some

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